There’s lots of intuitives around, providing readings and training courses over The Internet. Generally these are one-person “micro businesses” and something like compliance with the GDPR can appear to be a little daunting. It isn’t helped that there’s so much content around the GDPR, some of which is wrong, and some of which isn’t that relevant.
So I’m going to do a series of four videos looking at the GDPR from the perspective of a small one-person intuitive business based in the US with perhaps 10% of their customers based in the EU. That business still needs to be compliant with the GDPR we can radically simplify what needs to be done.
The videos are:
- A general introduction
- A look at a “Data Inventory”
- Changes you need to make to your web site
- Improving your Internet security
I’ve done the first two and they’re embedded on this page. I’m going to wait a week or so to do the third one because there’s a WordPress upgrade coming which might make things significantly easier.
If you’d like to know when the next videos are done, subscribe to this mailing list: